This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)



Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: min
  • What do I do after the workshop to apply what I learned and keep learning more?

  • Where can I learn more coding skills?

  • How do I deal with coding errors (i.e. debug)?

  • What resources are there at the University of Michigan?

  • What other coding concepts should I learn?

  • Learn how to get help with code via the Internet and at the University of Michigan.

  • Learn about other coding concepts that would be good to learn in the future.

Where to go from here?: Departing on your own coding journey

Learning and debugging throughout the data programming process.

We have come to the end of this workshop. You learned some basic procedures for importing, managing, visualizing and reporting your data.

As you continue on your coding journey, two things will happen:

  1. You will encounter bugs and need to figure out how to solve them (“debugging”), and
  2. You will want to learn new data processing and analysis techniques.

As we complete the course, we want to share with you some tips and tricks that have helped us on our own programming journeys.

Writing code at the University of Michigan

There are many local opportunities at the University of Michigan or around the Ann Arbor campus to find coding support, learn new programming skills, and connect with other users.

Get help and connect

Dealing with coding errors

Even well seasoned coders run into bugs all the time. Here are some strategies of how programmers try to deal with coding errors:

Debugging code

If searching for your particular code problem hasn’t turned up a solution, you may have to do a bit of debugging. Debugging is the process of finding exactly what caused your error, and changing only what is necessary to fix it. There are many strategies to debugging code. Consider checking out the following resources to learn more about it.

Asking strangers for help

If you are unable to determine what’s wrong with your own code, the internet offers several possible ways to get help: asking questions on programming websites, interacting with developers on GitHub, chatting with other programmers on Slack, or reaching out on Twitter. If you’re intimidated by asking people on the internet, you can also reach out to people at the University of Michigan. You don’t have to do this all on your own. However, there are some important things to keep in mind when asking questions - whether it be to people on the internet, or to people at the university. You may want to consider these tips to help you increase your chances of getting the support you need:

Learning new code

Free open-source programming languages such as Bash, Git and Python are constantly evolving. As you try out new data processing and analysis techniques, you will continue to learn new coding logic, concepts, functions, and libraries. Widely available user tools and documentation are a main benefit of free open-source software.

In the following, we list some strategies and resources we find useful. As you move forward, you are likely to identify other resources that fit your own learning style.


Cheat Sheets

A good collection of cheat sheets to print out and hang at your desk.

Free learning platforms available at U-M

Some important advanced coding concepts that you will want to learn if you continue coding a lot

There are some coding concepts that we did not have time to cover in this workshop, but are important to learn as you continue on your journey and begin to perform more sophisticated data analysis projects. While we have not created resources for these topics, we provide some links to where you can learn more. Note that these are more advanced coding topics; you should be come comfortable with what you learned in the workshop before trying to delve deeper into these other concepts. However, you’ll likely come across situations where one of these will be useful, and that’s when you should learn it!

We’ve provided some links below, but feel free to search for other explanations and tutorials as well.

Python coding topics

Some more advanced Python coding topics include:

Domain-specific analyses

We encourage you to investigate domain-specific libraries and software that will help you perform specific tasks related to your own research. The best way to find these libraries is to either ask other people in your field and/or search for specific tasks that you would like to perform. If you’d like to perform the task in Python, include that in your search (e.g. “find pairwise distances for DNA sequences in Python” will help you find the Python library biopython which has a number of tools for computational molecular biology in Python.)

High-performance computing clusters

If you’re performing computationally-intensive analyses, you’ll likely want to use a high-performance computing cluster. At the University of Michigan, many of us work on Great Lakes for much of our research. It can be a bit overwhelming at first, so try to find someone to help you learn the ropes. Sometimes there are also workshops where you can learn more.


If you start using Git/GitHub more frequently, it’s useful to learn how to create branches to work on new parts of your analysis. When you’re confident that it works, you can then merge the contents of the branch back into your “main” branch.

Key Points

  • When it comes to trying to figure out how to code something, and debugging, Internet searching is your best friend.

  • There are several resources at the University of Michigan that you can take advantage of if you need help with your code.

  • We didn’t have time to cover all important coding concepts in this workshop, so definitely continue trying to learn more once you get comfortable with the material we covered.

  • There are often packages and tools that you can leverage to perform domain-specific analyses, so search for them!